Volunteer Form

At A Little Help, we connect neighbors across generations, supporting older adults to thrive within our communities.

Our dedicated volunteers assist with transportation, errands, yard work and snow removal, home maintenance and light cleaning, technology coaching and troubleshooting, and friendly calls or visits.

Volunteer Your Way

Whether you prefer to volunteer individually or as part of a group, we offer flexible ways to get involved:

  • Ongoing Individual Volunteering: Support older adults on a schedule that works for you—weekly, monthly, or as needed. Complete the form below to get started!
  • Group Volunteering - Ditch the Desk (learn more): Step away from work and make an impact with your team.
  • Group or Individual Volunteering - Service Saturday (learn more): Join a community-wide day of service to help older adults with seasonal tasks.

Where We Serve:

  • Metro Denver: Serving Denver, Jefferson, and Arapahoe Counties, with some presence in Adams County.

  • Northern Colorado: Serving Fort Collins, Berthoud, Loveland, Windsor, Johnstown, and Milliken.

  • Western Slope: Serving the Grand Valley, including Grand Junction, Fruita, Palisade, and Orchard Mesa.

Why Volunteer with Us?

  • Flexible Opportunities: Engage in direct service, social activities, or outreach based on your interests and schedule.

  • Youth Involvement: We welcome volunteers of all ages and can provide students with community service hours.

Ready to make a difference? Complete our volunteer application below. 

For a visual overview of our mission and volunteer opportunities, watch the below clip: 

Please note: we are a Colorado nonprofit. If you are looking for an organization with a similar mission in another state, we are a part of a national collective- the Village to Village Network. Click Here to See if There is a Village Near You.

About You
Contact Details
Home Address
A Little Help may occasionally send text messages to confirm your assignments and send reminders of the assignments, as well as to communicate about upcoming service events and various programs. If you do not wish to receive these type of text messages please check the box below.
Personal Details
Your Parent or Guardian Details
Social Activity

In addition to our regular volunteer opportunities, we have a few specialized programs that allow for a unique experience for both you, the member you may be helping, and the A Little Help office. These opportunities may require additional training. Please indicate below if you would be interested in learning more about any of the following. We will reach out with more information once you are confirmed as a volunteer.

ALH offers a mentoring program to connect seasonned volunteers with new volunteers.

Legal Records

Some of the volunteering opportunities we offer require our volunteers to be fingerprinted. We also get special grants to run some of our programs based on the number of fingerprinted volunteers working with us.

Do you drive?

Please provide us with as much of the below information as you can at this time.  It will not prohibit your application from going through, but it is often requested by grantors to ensure we are taking proper precautions with our members and their well-being.

Volunteer drivers use their own insurance coverage and drive their own automobiles. Driver’s license, registration, and auto insurance information is recommended to be on file in the A Little Help office.

(picture of the front of your driver's licence, showing clearly your full name, DL #, expiration date)
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Reciprocal Respect Agreement

The only way A Little Help can operate is if there is a mutual respect among our members, volunteers, and staff.

I understand that A Little Help is not solely a service provider but is also, and more importantly, a community. To that end, I will treat all members of A  Little Help with respect and can expect such in return.

If accepted, A Little Help reserves the right to bar me from volunteering with the organization if I am in violation of this community agreement.


A Little Help carries liability insurance, and all our volunteers and older adult members are protected in the State of Colorado by the Good Samaritan Law.

By signing your volunteer application, you release A Little Help, its officers, employees, agents, volunteers and members, from any and all liability, claims, and demands of whatever kind or nature for any action or inaction by the member that may result in property damage, personal injury, or death to you, or to any person entering upon your property, whether resulting from negligence or otherwise, and you will indemnify and hold harmless A Little Help, its officers, employees, agents, volunteers and members from any liability resulting from any legal action you institute or any legal action taken against you, for any property damage, personal injury, or death or other loss resulting from the volunteer efforts by a participant in this program.

A Little Help reserves the right to utilize the contact information provided to share our mission with your contacts.

on 03/13/2025
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